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It Does, In Fact, Get Better

"Place me like a seal over your heart, like a seal on your arm; for love is as strong as death, its jealousy unyielding as the grave. It burns like blazing fire, like a mighty flame. Many waters cannot quench love; rivers cannot sweep it away. If one were to give all the wealth of one’s house for love, it would be utterly scorned."

~ Song of Solomon 8:6

It started in the summer of 2016. My husband and I began talking about starting a family even though I was going in my senior year of college and I had the highest hopes of beginning this high school English teacher which is a story for another time. It took months and I was devastated. All I wanted was to be a mother. It was my new dream. There was one morning I went to church and everytime I go, I expect everything amazing; however, that morning, I was hurting terribly and it was the last place I wanted to be. As church was ending, all I wanted was the ran out of the building and God was having a conversation with me and how I needed to keep persevering and to not give up. In the moment that my husband and Evangelist Gerald Blodgett, we knew him as Brother Jerry, were talking, but I was ready to leave. Brother Jerry looked at me and put his hand on my shoulder and told me, "Honey, it gets better." Of course, I knew it gets better, but I do not think I knew how much better it actually got. Because now, two years later, I have my daughter that I longed for, I have a husband who I adore, and I finally have a relationship with God that I could never imagine especially when I was a teenager.

This last month alone has been a trial, but most importantly, it has been the victory I needed, so I could finally see what God has for me. Now that I'm here in God's presence, being obedient in Christ and finally listening for directions, I can hear. As much as I want to share my life's testimony with you, I want to hear yours and I want to encourage you to live the best life that God has for you. Because not only am I wanted by God, He wants you too. He loves you and He sent His only begotten Son, Jesus, to the cross to die for our sins, so we could claim the victory!

If you want to know that means, I encourage you to read the bible.

Please do not get me wrong, it has taken me a long time to get to the place where I am and I still have a lot of growing to do. In fact, I have just started reading my bible and seeing what God has to offer through His Word and my life is changing everytime I open my bible up, everytime I listen to Christian music, everytime I call out for His name, and everytime I met Him in prayer.

My hope is that you see this as a chance for you to open your heart up to a person who will forever change your life.

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